Thursday, November 3, 2016

Electric fish shocker

Electric fish shocker

This is the straightforward electric fish stunner circuit or fish shocker. It helps in getting fish simpler, it utilize 12V battery to change over to 220V AC. We utilize few sections so natural and shoddy.

How it functions

This circuit change over voltage from 12V battery to AC 220 volts. Both transistors will on the other hand chip away at and OFF. Since above period of transformer has same stage with beneath there.

For instance, beat transistor direct current some time recently, the voltage from 12 volts will be sent to the middle trap OV to go to the up terminal. It make the inside is certain and up terminal is negative and down of 12V terminal is
likewise negative. Then,the negative voltage at beneath terminal so make lead B of every above transistor is predisposition current.

At the point when above transistors stop lead current. Attractive field breakdown bringing about a turn around stage acceptance focus was negative. The positive terminal is 12 volts then,the positive voltage will stream to R to predisposition lead B of beneath TR, makes it is the change to associate circuit causes, acceptance the 12V to the loop of the lower switch like this eternity.

The most effective method to constructs

Take a gander at the circuit chart , we utilize the 12-0-12 volts, 3A transformer = 1 pcs. (the general power transformer) Then, convey the 2N3055 transistor to screw at the huge warmth sink. Next, interface R-470 ohms, C-0.1uF and Diode-1N4007 as Figure circuit.
You may utilize the all inclusive board and associate the battery to enter andthe yield to wires into the prongs to stun the fish. 
Current will spill out of the second terminal of the wire decides the reason for the shorting it. It doesn't stun me. Since it doesn't full circuit. Unless you hold both closures as it were. 

This is Simple inverter schematic outline.

Today I have to utilize AC light and Soldering iron at open air which no 220V AC electrical current.

My companion get the 150 watt inverter of me, which I utilized it as a part of auto. It does works so well. So I not have any inverter. Along these lines I have to fabricate new inverter.

Fundamental thought of circuits.

For this situation I not require high power and long time employments. Since I utilize the force of 40 watts for only a brief minute (30 minutes around).

At that point, I search for all parts in my store, have numerous MJ2955 control transistors.

In this manner I pick a circuit chart as Figure 1 it is simple. It two MJ2955,68 ohms resistors; amount: 2, and A transformer as it were. You see truly it is conceivable.

It is set in an astable multivibrator shape. Same this inverter however it utilize PNP transistor and high power than one.

My companion that is master about power electrical let me know, This circuit eye infection won't have capacitors yet it can create recurrence. The transformer optional fills in as load that can change electrical to high voltage for this situation is 220V yet not certain is 50Hz.

In any case, the recurrence yield not have to use with load.

How about we manufacture this circuit.

This circuit is extremely straightforward however modest size. I collect them on heatsink and associates all wires as Figure in video underneath.


As video I utilize 12V battery 2.5Ah size as source, besides I measure yield AC voltage is 225-volts. Next I apply a lights to the circuit. The voltage lower to 190-volts and can keep up power.

The parts you require

Q1,Q2____MJ2955 or TIP2955 PNP control transistors_____= 2 Pcs.

R1,R2____68 ohms 2watts to 5 watts resistors___________ = 2 pcs.

T1_______12V CT 12V/220V or 110V

*if you need 20 watt utilize 1A or 30W yield for 2A arrangement.

Heatsink,12V battery, and so on.

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