Friday, November 4, 2016

Overload Relay

How is a 3 stage over-burden wired for use in a solitary stage engine starter? 

Standard 3 stage warm over-burdens, for example, the LRD and LR2K are intended to identify a present unevenness in the 3 stage supply. As a consequence of this, if a solitary stage supply is wired with the end goal that line and impartial go through only 2 of the 3 components the over-burden can trip. 

To keep away from this issue when utilizing a standard over-burden with a solitary stage engine stack, the wiring through the over-burden must be organized so that every one of the three components are in the circuit. Practically speaking the contactor is likewise a portion of this wiring suggestion as the over-burden will as a rule be straightforwardly coupled to the contactor as demonstrated as follows;

Over-burden Relays


Surrounding adjusted - 20° to +60° C

Differential single staging security for three stage operation

Customizable bi-metallic components - no radiators

Exact industrial facility adjusted and tried

1NO and 1NC electrically confined caution contacts

Manual or programmed reset (field alterable)

3 Pole Overload Relay for 3 stage applications

2 Pole Overload Relay for 1 stage applications

UL Class 10 operation

High inactivity begin over-burdens accessible - call for points of interest

"Reset" catch - huge and simple to work

'Stop" catch - huge and simple to work

"Trip" marker demonstrates status of over-burden

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